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Bartlett, Tennessee, United States
I think one familiar short, yet most powerful statement a believer can say is "I’m “Walking by Faith”. At my age, I have been through countless storms, some small and some big. Nonetheless , my faith continues to carry me through. This is my life’s testimony. The world wants you to believe that there is something wrong with a life like mine because I've gone through and I’m still going through. They want you to believe that if you have what the Jones’s have then you are living a fulfilled life. Pretty funny, huh? Well, I walk by faith, and I know I’m God’s best. That should be fulfilling enough, and God is still completing me as I happily tell my story about how more complete my life is. As you walk by faith, you will be strengthened. You need to understand that challenges are merely new opportunities for you to reach your greatness. Finally, know that your life will truly be blessed when everything that you touch will provide you with a blessed life and no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. "Whatever I go through, whatever happens, "Either Way I Win"; whether God heals me here on earth, or heals me by calling me home to be with Him, "Either Way I Win"!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

You have the power, be encouraged.

The hardest road to travel and escape from life's challenges is death. However, God is the only one who holds that key. He also holds the key to,
Spiritual and Emotions;

To have at least one true best friend,
Feel relief from social judgment,
Reconcile with an enemy,
Be remembered in a positive way after death,
Know that you made a difference in someone else’s life,
Feel important to others,
Know yourself and feel centered,
Live each day without regret,
Quiet self-limiting thoughts,


To neither look nor feel fat,
To eat whatever you want without gaining weight,
To hold your own in a political conversation,
To learn to dance without looking stupid,
To be attractive as you age,
To be the life of the party, at least once,
To know what you want and have the confidence to go after it,

And this.
Your healthy lifestyle;

Grow old without losing your mind or control of your body,
Recover from a painful or debilitating disease,
Not die from a painful or debilitating disease,
Have plenty of energy to enjoy each day,
Age gracefully, without wrinkles and without going bald,
Find a way to enjoy exercise,
Finish a marathon or an Ironman triathlon,

Think about it; God has given you the power. Be encouraged. JC

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