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Bartlett, Tennessee, United States
I think one familiar short, yet most powerful statement a believer can say is "I’m “Walking by Faith”. At my age, I have been through countless storms, some small and some big. Nonetheless , my faith continues to carry me through. This is my life’s testimony. The world wants you to believe that there is something wrong with a life like mine because I've gone through and I’m still going through. They want you to believe that if you have what the Jones’s have then you are living a fulfilled life. Pretty funny, huh? Well, I walk by faith, and I know I’m God’s best. That should be fulfilling enough, and God is still completing me as I happily tell my story about how more complete my life is. As you walk by faith, you will be strengthened. You need to understand that challenges are merely new opportunities for you to reach your greatness. Finally, know that your life will truly be blessed when everything that you touch will provide you with a blessed life and no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. "Whatever I go through, whatever happens, "Either Way I Win"; whether God heals me here on earth, or heals me by calling me home to be with Him, "Either Way I Win"!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Trust not Trouble

We cannot come to Christ without faith and we're unable to live a victorious Christian life without continuously walking in faith. Our faith is of great worth!
1 Peter 1:6-7
"For a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials, our trial is our struggle to be close and all the things that come with being tested. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire it is proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

One of the beautiful truths in God's Kingdom is that everything along our walk has a purpose; whether it’s the various challenges or struggles. "In all things God works for the good of those who love Him" (Romans 8:28). Even our difficult times of hardship is being directed by God "for the good." As we continue to love Him with all our heart, God will use our trials to reveal and strengthen our faith. Be careful of what you speak and what you ask for, could it be that what you say is true as it is revealed, then change must come. And a truer understanding of our faith is one of the greatest "goods" we can receive.

Do we really believe our faith is "of greater worth than gold"? Until we've been sustained through times of great trial and testing, it's difficult to understand the true value of faith. Our faith is shown to be real, or "proved genuine", only as we trust Him when no other hope can be seen. We never need to prove our faith to God, but why is it that we seem to want to see “us” prove our faith to God, to each other, or that we must prove our faith for people. He sees deep within our heart and already knows the genuineness of our faith. God gave us our faith and calls us to live "in accordance with the measure of faith God has given" (Romans 12:3).

But our measure of faith is ALWAYS greater than what we believe we have, and it can sustain us through greater trials than we believe possible. As we more clearly see the strength contained in this wonderful gift of faith, we are able to give all praise, glory and honor to God as Jesus is revealed through the testimony of our life. As we trust Him with all our heart, He will cause us to emerge from our trials much stronger and more confident, more "mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:4) because we will KNOW He is by our side.

As our faith is strengthened and refined, the presence of God will cease to be an interesting theory or an empty hope; it will become real and an integral part of our life! Let's rejoice that our trials last only "for a little while." But let's also rejoice that our trials are being used for His glory and for the purpose of proving our faith. We don’t need to prove to each other our faith. Love and embrace each other in love as in faith. The rest will fall in place.™ Amen.

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